7 Cold-Email Marketing Strategies That Will Blow Up Your Sales

Email marketing can be very profitable, but your success depends on multiple factors.

It goes without saying that email marketing is one of the most profitable routes for marketers.

Every $1 spent on email marketing can result in an ROI between $45 to $32. Does this surprise you? I’m not surprised at all.

Think about it. Most consumers check their emails lots of times a day; they do it every day.

Did you also know that consumers who actually buy products marketed via email spend 138% more than those who don’t get any email offers?

So how can brands seize this opportunity to sell more?

Below are some powerful email marketing strategies that can be a total game-changer for your brand.

gmail email inbox

Personalize your approach

Everyone who’s on the Internet, on average, receives over 100 emails every day. That’s a lot of emails, don’t you think? So, personalizing your email is crucial. Show your recipients that you care instead of just sending a random offer to your whole database.

Believe it or not, something as simple as addressing customers by their name can make them more likely to engage with your emails.

“When Experian Marketing Services compared generic, cookie-cutter promotional mailings to personalized ones, they found that personalized emails have 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher click rates per person. What’s more, according to Harvard Business Review, personalization can deliver five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend — and boost sales by upwards of 10%”, according to Entrepreneur Asia Pacific.

People don’t want to be perceived as nameless money bags who received a promotional email with potentially no value to them. This is why it is crucial to succeed in, at least, the most basic personalization to stand a chance to get the attention of your customers.

Use data to back up your campaigns

The amount of data businesses generate about their consumers is mind-blowing. Sometimes, you may wonder if your favorite brand knows you better than your partner. Which may be scary, but true.

Most brands will have the most essential customer profiling data: history of previous purchases, age, gender, location, etc. However, few brands actually dig deep into it to figure out what’s relevant and needed for their customers.

How often did you get an email promotion that’s totally irrelevant to you? I know I receive such emails regularly. It is especially true if you purchase for someone else, but the brands assume you’re buying for yourself and instantly add you to their mailing list.

A better approach would be to get some basic facts about the consumer before adding them to your email marketing database. In this way, your campaigns will be more successful, and the reports will look healthier.

Therefore, your email marketing campaigns should be backed by data.

Your subject line must be click-worthy

How do you ensure that your email doesn’t drown in the sea of other emails received? Subject headlines are essential and will either make it or break it.

Avoid clickbait subject lines. Nobody likes clickbait, and if you use it, prepare never to have your emails opened again.

So, subject lines like “10 ways to earn $50K a week working part-time!” are the straight path to failure. Even if you’re offering genuine ways to earn that much with minimal time, subject lines like this are often perceived as spam. They might even be put in the “spam” folder by your email provider. If not, the chances are high that very few people will open such an email.

Your email titles shouldn’t sound like they are taken from a cheap tabloid trying to get extra clicks. This strategy seldom works on email.

Make sure your email is mobile-friendly

I’m surprised that this still is something worth mentioning in 2022. So many brands get it wrong and optimize their email campaigns for desktops, forgetting that 65% of emails are opened on phones.

So, take time to ensure that your campaign is mobile-friendly. Check if it’s optimized for different devices with different screen sizes and tablets.

Segment your audience

The Data & Marketing Association discovered that segmented email campaigns deliver a 76% increase in revenue for marketers.

You cannot just assume that everyone in your database will like the same thing. It’s a very wrong approach, which may lead to unsubscriptions.

Instead, segment your subscribers, readers, or buyers based on specific criteria (e.g., demographics, past purchases, etc.). For instance, if 10 of your subscribers opened your email about Instagram marketing, assign a label “Instagram marketing” to them. Moving forward, they’ll receive content about Instagram marketing only, which is relevant to them. Meanwhile, other segmented receivers will receive different types of emails.

The same goes for promotions and related offers. They should be extended only to the segments that they find exciting and relevant. A wide approach (sending promo emails to everyone) doesn’t work anymore.

Experiment and test

Without testing your messages, subject lines, or any other aspect of your emails, you won’t know what works and what doesn’t.

There is no right or wrong in email marketing. Many things need to be tested to have proof that they work. It’s called A/B testing, and it gives you valuable information on which subject lines get more email opens, how the layout of the email impacts the reading time, etc.

By running regular A/B tests, you will know what works best for your audience and, as a consequence, will be able to maximize the results.

Analyzing the data for inbox rates, open rates, bounce rates, reply rates, and unsubscription rates can help you improve your email marketing campaigns more effectively.

Don’t overdo it

Don’t overdo it if you had a successful run with the email marketing campaign. Imagine you achieved unprecedented open rates, people visited your website, and they bought your product. Everything seems perfect!

You might be thinking that sending more emails will help you achieve even better results and generate more revenue.

Well, you’re wrong!

If you start sending daily emails with offers and try to get your name in front of your customers’ faces as if it’s essential to them, you will notice a drop in the performance of your campaigns. The number of opens will reduce; more and more people will mark your emails as spam or unsubscribe from your mailing list.

Remember that your emails should have a purpose, and they should give value to your customers. If you try to benefit yourself, people will abandon your brand sooner than later.

Bottom line

We doubted that email marketing strategies could be worth our time in the past. Brands instead blew lots of money on TV, radio, or outdoor ads. Later on, everyone jumped on the social media and digital ads trend, yet forgetting the email.

These marketing channels are still influential. But email shouldn’t be neglected. Cold emailing can be a great way to get revenue, and if done right, it is amongst the most sustainable marketing strategies that brands should explore and utilize more.


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