5 Instagram Marketing Cliches You Should Avoid At All Costs

The 5 cliches about Instagram Marketing you should avoid at all times:

1.      Instagram is the best marketing tool ever.

2.     Hashtags are the key to be found on Instagram.

3.    You need a lot of followers to get seen on Instagram.

4.    Instagram is a waste of time because you cannot make money from it.

5.    Instagram is not for brands or businesses, only individuals or photographers.


1.      Instagram is a great marketing tool; however, I wouldn’t call it “the best.” The reason is simple – you are very dependent on its algorithms, and it can happen that one day, all of your followers will be gone. Therefore, if you use Instagram for business, you should aim to capture your audience’s email address. If your content is harder to discover because of changes in algorithms, you will still have access to people who like your brand.  

2.     It’s an old cliché, and no, your content can be discovered even if you don’t use hashtags. I’ve written the whole article about it.

3.    No, you can have just a couple of followers, but your content will be discovered if you know how to post effectively on Instagram. I shared extensively about it in this blog post.

4.    Yes, you can make money on Instagram. More and more businesses start selling directly on Instagram. Also, more and more brands hire influencers to promote their products on Instagram. By having a suitable strategy, patience, and adding lots of hard work, you’re able to make money on Instagram.

5.    Instagram is for everyone. It is indeed a highly visual platform, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t work for businesses. In fact, it is a great place to build stronger personal relationships between a business and consumers. It is a great platform to educate and generate sales leads or sales.


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