Which Social Media Platform Will You Concentrate on in 2021?

If in 2021 you had to concentrate on one social media platform to achieve your marketing goals? Which platform would you choose?


I am sharing some pros and cons on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Tiktok:


· Can reach most people
· Advertising is very affordable
· Great potential to target and build new audiences
· Tools to analyze data and improve future results
· Great platform to gauge customer feedback and foster a two-way communication

· Organic traffic is very minimal
· AI tools assessing your ads may be inaccurate and result in ads being stopped
· Requires good knowledge of Facebook advertising to get the best result


· Amazing platform for visual content
· Affordable advertising
· Great place to tap into new audiences through hashtags and geo-targeting
· One of the fastest growing social media networks
· Many brands (including your competitors) may not see it as a priority yet

· Requires creating A LOT of content
· Organic reach may be very minimal
· It may not have your target audience (the majority of users are millennials)
· Hard to direct people to a specific website, as posts don’t support URLs


· The best for B2B marketing activities
· Easy to get organic traffic to your post
· Great for personal branding
· Less personal, more professional

· Advertising is very expensive
· Niche audience
· Might be less interactive than other social networks


· Big audience
· Many businesses haven’t started using it yet
· Great place to catch attention creatively and get discovered organically

· Limited data analysis
· Your target group may not be on TikTok
· Currently not possible to link the video to your website

Brands shouldn’t jump and get a presence on all platforms at the same time. It is important to plan and be prepared. Assess what benefits a presence on a new platform will give to your existing communication.

So, which platform do you want to grow in 2021?