Is Instagram Marketing Worth It in 2023?

If you haven’t set up your Instagram account yet, you may be wondering, “Is Instagram marketing still worth it?” The platform already has over a billion active content creators, and it may seem daunting to start, thinking of the competition and the amount of work that you’ll need to put in.   

You’re correct to have doubts. Indeed, it has never been harder to make it big on Instagram; however, it’s one of the biggest social media platforms, and by not having a presence, you may be on the losing end. 

If you are a small business owner thinking about whether your business needs Instagram, you’re not alone. In fact, there are many businesses like yours that think the same – is Instagram marketing still worth the time and effort needed to succeed?

Instagram may seem like a waste of time for many. It’s a platform that is often neglected when it comes to business marketing strategies. There is a valid reason for that. Instagram was created to share images with your friends and family; however, this was the purpose of the platform years ago. I’m taking like 15-20 years ago.

Over the years, however, it’s grown to be much more than that. Today, it’s one of the hottest and most popular platforms used by influencers, businesses, big brands, public figures, big and small entrepreneurs, and even cats! (There are thousands of cat-related accounts.)

Many business owners yet see it as a place where people kill time. However, they neglect an important fact – Instagram is also a place where users discover new brands and engage with the brands they love.

So, let’s answer whether Instagram marketing is still worth it. Should your business embark on this Instagram journey?

Why is it important to use Instagram in your business?

I almost always tell my clients that Instagram is important for any type of business. Yes, you heard that right. There must be a reason why it currently has 1.5 billion users, right?

When I say that almost every business should be on Instagram, I mean it. I’ve worked with different types of businesses (B2B and B2C). They sell all kinds of things, such as cars, postcards, maps, beauty products, paint, home decor, or homemade baked goods; they offer all kinds of services, like financial, insurance, wealth planning, investment, property, virtual assistance, and more.

Not only have these businesses succeeded in growing, but they also have managed to build solid brands within their target markets across all continents. They are building their brand presence every day and engaging with their audiences through content that people find entertaining, inspiring, or educational. 

So to say that Instagram is not worth it at this age is simply wrong.

However, success stories require work, strategies, and a ton of effort.

Instagram is free

One of the best things about social media (including Instagram) is that it’s free to use. You don’t have to spend a ton of advertising dollars to expose your content to millions of users. It requires minimal investment. If you think that you’ll have to spend a lot of dollars to advertise on Instagram to get noticed, you’re not entirely right. 

Organic (unpaid) strategies are as powerful on Instagram and sometimes deliver even better results than paid ones.

However, some minimal investment, in terms of time and human resources, is required. You should have a clear strategy, goals, and objectives that you wish to achieve on Instagram. If you’re consistent in delivering the content, chances are high that you’ll gain a significant amount of followers before you even decide to start investing money in the platform.

If you have a team that does marketing, it won’t require too much work to adapt the content to Instagram. However, if you don’t have it, you may consider working with freelancers or Instagram strategists first.

However, keep in mind that consistency is essential when it comes to success on Instagram. You’ll need to factor it in.

People love visual content

Instagram is a 100% visual platform, and since there are 1.5 billion people who use it actively every month, it proves the fact that people nowadays love visual content.

In fact, on average, we spend almost 53 minutes on Instagram daily. It’s almost 7 hours a week. It makes Instagram one of the most used apps. These numbers, of course, differ based on location, but it still shows huge commitment from Instagram users. 

Nevertheless, visual content is much more appealing to today’s consumers as they frequently lack the time or willingness to engage with textual content. Remember that the attention span of today’s consumers has been on a sharp decline, and an image or a video are worth thousands of words.

Your target audience is on Instagram

Since there are almost 1.5 billion active monthly users on Instagram, chances are high that your target audience uses the platform and engages with other brands on it.

At least 90% of Instagram users follow their favorite brands, while 44% say that they use Instagram to research products.

It goes without saying that if you don’t use Instagram, your prospective customers may be buying from your competitors instead of you. It’s simply because they cannot discover your products on Instagram.

However, how do people find your brand?

Instagram uses hashtags to list content. For example, a hairdresser may post content and use hashtags #hairstyletrends. People who are interested to find out more about hairstyle trends may search for this hashtag on the app. They will then be able to discover the post.

Hashtags work similarly to Google Search keywords.

Access valuable insights

Instagram gives you tools to access valuable insights and start conversations with your customers. Chances are high that your customers are already posting reviews and feedback about your products or services. Thus, Instagram can become a fantastic resource for you to get insights into what people think of your business.

Without a business profile, you’ll be missing out, as you won’t be able to partake in the conversations surrounding your brand. 

Moreover, Instagram is a highly social platform where people engage in discussions, and it’s imperative for your business to join them. You can use Instagram to explain further and educate the users about your brand, showcase the benefits of your products or services, gain valuable feedback and improve. 

Since so many people use Instagram daily, it can become a communication channel for your brand. Your customers can send direct messages asking for more information about your product or turn in for support. 

Show the human side of your business

Most interactions between your business and your customers are transactional. Often, your customers don’t even know who is behind the brand they love, what values it has, or how else it can help them. Instagram can help you show the human side of your business and boost your branding efforts.

Businesses are run by humans. As humans, businesses also have certain values. Maybe one of your brand’s key values is to address climate issues, maybe fight for equal rights for women, minorities, and the LGBTIQ+ community, or promote a safe working space for your employees.

Instagram allows you to showcase these values and take a stand. It can help you acquire new customers who share similar values and fight for the same cause. This type of branding, where you don’t hard sell your products, can contribute to higher revenue and new customer acquisitions.

Is Instagram Marketing Worth It?

Yes, without any doubt. Instagram marketing works, and many businesses have achieved tremendous results. If you still have doubts about how Instagram can contribute to your business growth, it’s best to engage with an Instagram strategist to have the questions answered.

However, don’t expect exceptional results instantly. Instagram uses sophisticated algorithms which crawl your posts. Therefore, you’ll require proper planning and strategy to achieve the desired results. You may require time to grow, but the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll reap the fruits.

Consistent posting of high-quality content is key to success. If you’re looking for an Instagram strategy for your business, it’s often advisable to work with professionals who can help you find the right strategies that will work for your business. It’ll help you save time and avoid mistakes on the way.