How to Get Instagram Reels Views in 2024 for Free

Getting Instagram Reels views is one of the biggest challenges for Instagram content creators. Ultimately, what is the purpose of creating Reels if nobody sees them and engages with them.

Instagram Reels has been one of the trendiest content types on Instagram for years. Many brands, influencers and content creators have been using Reels to grow their social media presence. However, what should you do if your Instagram Reel views aren’t increasing? This is one of the hottest questions asked by many content creators. 

If you’re struggling to get views, you’re not alone. I’ve worked with multiple brands that have also faced this issue. 

The good news is that the solution may be simpler than you think. There are potential strategies that can significantly boost your Instagram Reel views. 

I’m going to explain how to increase the views on Reels using proven methods that have worked extremely well across niches and countries.

What is Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels is a feature on the popular social media platform Instagram that allows users to create and share short-form video content. It is similar to the popular app TikTok in that it allows users to create short videos set to music, add special effects, and use various editing tools to create engaging and entertaining content.
Instagram Reels allows users to create videos up to 90 seconds long. They can be shared on Instagram’s Explore page and in the Reels section of a user’s profile. Reels can be created using the Instagram app and shared with a wider audience, depending on the user’s privacy settings.
Reels have become a popular way for users to showcase their creativity, connect with their audience, and grow their following on Instagram. Businesses have also embraced them as a way to promote their products or services and connect with customers in a fun and engaging way.

Why should you post Instagram Reels?

It’s a known secret that Instagram prefers Reels over any other type of content posted on the platform. You may have noticed that your engagement surges after posting Reels. 

Recently, Hootsuite ran an experiment, and they found out that since the short-video format debuted on the platform, brands and content creators have discovered that these posts result in more than just views. Many have witnessed their follower counts, and engagement rates improve, as well. One Instagram creator says she gained 2,800+ followers by posting a Reel daily for a month.

Apart from that, people create Instagram Reels for several reasons:

  • To reach a wider audience: Instagram Reels are a popular feature on the platform, and many users use them as a way to reach a wider audience. By creating Reels, users can get their content in front of new viewers who may not have seen their posts before.
  • To increase engagement: Instagram Reels can be highly engaging, as they allow users to create short, entertaining videos that are easy to consume. By creating Reels, users can increase engagement with their followers and attract new followers to their account.
  • To showcase their creativity: Reels provide a platform for users to express their creativity and showcase their talents. Whether it’s through dance, music, comedy, or other forms of content, Reels allow users to share their unique perspectives with the world.
  • To promote their brand or business: Reels can also be used as a marketing tool to promote a brand or business. By creating engaging and informative Reels, businesses can attract new customers and increase brand awareness.
  • To participate in trends and challenges: Reels often feature popular trends and challenges, which can be a fun way for users to participate in the Instagram community and show off their creativity.

Overall, Instagram Reels are a versatile feature that can be used for various purposes. Whether it’s to reach a wider audience, increase engagement, or express creativity, Reels provides users with a powerful tool for sharing their content with the world.

Why is engagement on Instagram important?

Engagement on Instagram is important because it is a key metric that measures how your audience is interacting with your content. Engagement refers to the number of likes, comments, shares, and saves your posts receive. The higher your engagement rate, the more your content resonates with your audience, and the more likely Instagram’s algorithm will show your content to more people.

However, not only that. Here are a few reasons why engagement is important on Instagram:

  • It helps you build a community: Engaged followers are likelier to become loyal fans and advocates for your brand. When people engage with your content, they are showing interest in what you have to offer, and you can use that as an opportunity to connect with them and build a community around your brand.
  • It improves your visibility: The more engagement your content receives, the more likely Instagram’s algorithm will show your content to more people. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase your chances of attracting new followers.
  • It can drive conversions: Engaged followers are more likely to take action on your content, such as clicking on your website link or making a purchase. By building engagement, you can increase your chances of converting your followers into customers or clients.

Overall, engagement is a key indicator of the success of your Instagram strategy. By focusing on building engagement, you can improve your visibility, build a community, and drive conversions for your brand.

However, you cannot increase your engagement if you’re not getting views on your Reels. Therefore, before concentrating on the engagement rate, it’s best to ensure your content is seen. 

Why are my Instagram Reels views not increasing?

There could be several reasons why your Instagram Reels views aren’t growing. Here are some common reasons:

  1. Lack of engagement: If your Reels are not engaging or entertaining, viewers may not be inclined to watch or share them. Make sure your Reels are high-quality, visually appealing, and provide value to your audience.
  2. Hashtag usage: If you are not using relevant hashtags or enough hashtags, your Reels may not be reaching the right audience. Make sure you are using popular and relevant hashtags that are specific to your content.
  3. Timing: If you are not posting your Reels at the right time, you may not be reaching your audience when they are most active. Use Instagram Insights to determine when your audience is most active and post your Reels during those times.
  4. Competition: There may be a lot of competition on Instagram for Reels content, so it may be harder to get noticed. Try to create unique and creative Reels that stand out from the crowd.
  5. Lack of promotion: If you are not promoting your Reels on other social media platforms or in your Instagram Stories, you may not be reaching as many people as you could. Make sure to promote your Reels on other channels to increase visibility.
  6. Algorithm changes: Instagram’s algorithm is constantly changing, and sometimes it can be hard to keep up. If you notice a sudden decrease in views, it could be due to changes in the algorithm.

By identifying the possible reasons why your Instagram Reels views are stagnant, you can take steps to improve your content and increase your reach on Instagram.

How to get more Instagram Reels views for free?

To get more Instagram Reels views, here are some straightforward tips you can try:

  1. Use trending music: Using popular and trending music can help your Reels get more visibility. You can browse Instagram’s music library and select the tracks that are currently popular.
  2. Create engaging content: The more engaging and entertaining your Reels are, the more likely people will watch and share them. Experiment with different formats, such as tutorials, challenges, or humour.
  3. Use relevant hashtags: Including relevant hashtags in your Reels can help them get discovered by people who are interested in your content. Use popular and relevant hashtags in your niche to reach a larger audience. You can use online tools like Viralyft Instagram Hashtag Generator, to find the best performing hashtags for your Reels.
  4. Share on other platforms: To increase your visibility, share your Reels on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. You can also share them in your Instagram Stories or as a post on your feed.
  5. Keep your Reels short: Although Instagram allows 90 seconds for Reels, it doesn’t mean you need to create something that long. Remember that the attention span on social media is very short, so it’s best to create something that’s less than 10 seconds long and has a strong hook at the beginning to keep people watching until the end. 
  6. Post consistently: Consistency is key when it comes to growing your Instagram following. Post Reels consistently to keep your audience engaged and increase your visibility on the platform.
  7. Post at the right time: It is critical to post when your audience is most active. Look at your Instagram analytics to understand when your audience is active, and try to post around that time. The first few hours are crucial for the Instagram algorithm to determine if your Reels are worth sharing with a broader audience.
  8. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments on your Reels and engage with your audience. This can help you build a relationship with your followers and encourage them to share your content with their own followers.
  9. Add captions and thumbnails: Captions are an excellent way to broaden the reach of your Reels. Keep in mind that many viewers watch videos with the sound off. Adding captions, even with a caption generator, can boost engagement and views. Also, strategically selecting a thumbnail, called a Cover on Instagram, can attract more clicks and increase overall views. 

Implementing these tips can increase your chances of getting more views and engagement on your Instagram Reels.

How to track Instagram Reels views

instagram reels views

There is a high chance that you underestimated the performance of your Reels. You should always analyse the data to see how many people actually viewed your content. 

Remember, it may take some time for your Reels to accumulate views, so be patient and keep creating engaging content to attract more viewers. Keep in mind that these statistics will keep on updating over time. Therefore, give reasonable time before assessing the performance of your Reels. 



To see your Instagram Reels views, follow these steps:

  • Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and navigate to your profile by tapping your profile picture in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Find the Reel you want to check the views and tap on it to open it.
  • Underneath the Reel, you should see the view count, which shows how many people have viewed your Reel.
  • You can also swipe up on the Reel to see more detailed analytics, such as the number of likes, comments, saves, and shares.
  • If you want to see the view counts for all of your Reels, you can navigate to your profile and tap on the Reels tab to see a grid of all your Reels, along with their respective view counts.

What does it all mean?

Instagram prioritises showcasing high-quality Reels and has redesigned its home screen to give Reels greater visibility. Therefore, it is not surprising that Reels with high view counts are becoming an essential factor for organic reach on the platform. 

As a result, Reels have become a crucial frontier for expanding reach and engagement on Instagram. The greater the audience reached through Reels, the more likely it is for the follower count and engagement rate to increase.

It’s not an easy task to get Instagram Reels views, but follow the tips suggested in this guide, and you’ll get there!